Remote patient monitoring can help hospitals improve care, reduce re-admissions, and control costs. However, hospitals often lack the necessary resources to navigate the complexities of designing and implementing a program. Such programs call for a dramatic shift in the continuum of care workflow, introduce new equipment and service costs, and require EHR integration and management.

new consulting service from ECRI Institute walks hospitals through the full remote monitoring journey, from concept to implementation. They use a proven approach to define needs, choose the right home monitoring solution, and measure success.

ECRI Institute’s team of experienced consultants works with leaders across the care continuum to perform an evidence-based needs assessment, develop a plan for initiation and growth, and rigorously evaluate vendor technologies and solutions.

The service guides the hospital through the process by determining patient selection criteria and training requirements, designing clinical monitoring protocols, establishing criteria for measuring success, and addressing program scalability.

“Hospitals need a trusted partner to help them explore what is essentially uncharted territory for reducing patient readmissions. ECRI is uniquely qualified to empower leaders to take on the challenges of developing and implementing a successful remote patient monitoring program,” says Thomas E. Skorup, MBA, FACHE, vice president, Applied Solutions Group, ECRI Institute.