As the coronavirus pandemic has swept across Georgia, healthcare workers have found themselves without enough personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary to keep them safe from infection. Groups like Atlanta Beats Covid (ABC), which is a group of Atlanta makers who’ve banded together to create PPE, are working to battle this shortage.

“Front-line healthcare workers are facing a highly infectious pandemic without even basic protections. ABC is providing face shields, masks, intubation enclosures, gowns, and other equipment directly to those who need them, free of charge,” said Irm Diorio, the executive director of Decatur Makers, an all-ages nonprofit community workspace that is part of ABC.

With their wood shop, metalworking area, textiles area, electronics shop, arts and crafts area, biolab, 3D printers, laser cutter, sewing machines and other tools, Decatur Makers has the tools to pivot their focus to creating PPE as part of Atlanta Beats Covid. All together, ABC has provided more than 19,000 PPE items to healthcare workers in the Atlanta area.

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